lunedì 8 giugno 2020


B. Story: 002. ↔︎ 004.                   
Duo ita - english - deutsch.
Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
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Stories: en 1/160.
3. One Thing. - Una cosa. -
1. One Thing. - 2. Jennifer is with her brother, Steve. - 3. Oh no! I need bread for my sandwich. - 4. Do you need to go to the supermarket? - 5. Yes. - 6. Oh, I want one thing from the supermarket! - 7. What do you need? - 8. One tomato, please. - 9. For my salad! - 10. OK. - 11. Thank you! - 12. And I want some coffee… - 13. OK. - 14. … and I want sugar for my coffee. - 15. Steve… - 16. And some milk! - 17. Hmm… I have an idea. - 18. Here is some money, Steve. - 19. What?! - 20. I want one thing from the supermarket: bread. - 21.

Bottom. Top.↑→ Story 004.

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