venerdì 1 maggio 2020



1 colpevole, reo: to be guilty of murder essere reo di omicidio.
2 (showing guilt) (da) colpevole: a guilty expression un'espressione colpevole.
3 (pertaining to guilt) di colpa.
• I thought I would delve into a hypothetical question: who is more guilty of a mass murder - a young scientist who forgot to seal the safety latch of a laboratory coronavirus refrigerator and by failing to do so, exposed humanity to the risk of a viral pandemic, or an epidemiologist and professor who distributes a phantasmic unsubstantiated study that is not fact-based and proved to be grossly incorrect and by so doing, inflicted financial chaos leading to the destruction of the Western economy, contributed to world famine and the possible deaths of millions? (ga)

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